Task force 6.1.4 - Crustal Deformation

Chair – Dr. Stathis Stiros, Greece
Email: stiros@upatras.gr
Task Force 6.1.4 was newly formed after the 11th International Symposium held on
Santorini Island in May 2003. Dr. Stathis Stiros, from Patras University,
Athens, Greece, put forward a proposal to form a task force for the purpose of
studying the crustal deformations due to plate boundaries, magma movement and
volcanic eruptions. This task force is just newly formed and the proposed areas
of study are laid out here.
This Task Force will consist of a small number (~4-8) of research centers in
different parts of the world, and its main aims will be:
- The identification of a few promising study areas, on the basis of their
seismo-tectonic history and the availability of geodetic data
- The collection and analysis of existing historical and modern geodetic and
other data (satellite, triangulation, trilateration, spirit levelling, tilt
data, tide-gauge data, etc.)
- The encouragement of new, repeat surveys in the study areas
- The adaptation of techniques and methodologies permitting an easy and
approximate comparison between older, low accuracy data with modern data
This work, which will be based on data that currently exists, is expected to
contribute to answers to certain of the following problems:
- How does the rate of deformation change with time in test areas over
periods 100-102 years long? Are current rates representative of longer-term
- Why apparent high rates of deformation are/have been observed in certain
tectonically quiescent areas? Does this reflect measurement or geotechnical (near-surface
effects) noise, or real effects? In this last case, what might be their
- Will a comparison of historical data and of data to be collected in the
future permit to model certain old earthquakes, etc?
- What is the reason for the discrepancies in the parameters of seismic
faulting deduced from geodetic and seismological or other data- do such
discrepancies reflect errors in certain type of data or over-simplifications
in their modelling?
- Are elastic deformation models suitable for all crustal deformation
studies, or should geophysical studies also involve elasto-plastic,
thermo-elastic or numerical analysis models in cases of specific geologic
structures and environments (for instance volcanoes, etc.)?
Obviously, these problems are very important and complex, and cannot be
answered by a small group of people. However, it is expected that a Task Force
in the framework of FIG 6.1 will permit to bring to light and analyse very
useful data and to inspire various researchers to investigate problems ignored
so far; this will accelerate research in certain fields of crustal deformation
and elucidate some at least of these matters. Anyone wishing to participate and
contribute to Task Force 6.1.4 should contact Dr. Stathis Stiros, email:
stiros@upatras.gr |