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Welcome by Mohammad Azmi Mohd Zin,
President, Association of Authorised Land Surveyors Malaysia, PEJUTA

On behalf of the Association of Authorised Land Surveyors Malaysia, it is both my honour and great pleasure to invite all of you to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We celebrate the prestigious and meaningful event, the XXV FIG International Congress and General Assembly.

The excitement and fervor of organising the International Congress and General Assembly have never stopped, since the Malaysian team was announced the winning team to host the Congress (in 2010, Sydney) and more so, since it is the first time that FIG has ever held any major events in Malaysia.
The theme for the FIG 2010 International Congress in Sydney, was “Facing the Challenges – Building the Capacity”.

For the FIG 2014 International Congress and General Assembly, a theme titled “Engaging the Challenges – Enhancing the Relevance” was developed against the backdrop of keen anticipation, where this time round, we will focus on the all-important aspect of “relevance” of the Surveying and Mapping Industry, which we feel should be the next major component (to be emphasised) in the collective view of all Surveying Professionals who are operating in the 121-member countries of the FIG.

Why this theme, you may ask…because just as a wise man once remarked, “In every Failure, therein lies the Seed of Achievement’”, we are of the opinion that, “In every Challenge, therein lies the Seed of Enhancing Relevance” for us Surveyors out there across the Globe, who have been diligently enhancing our skills and knowledge, whilst exploring new technological platforms to deliver quality services, and contributing to the nation building success of our respective countries.
In expanding the theme of the FIG 2014 Congress through a myriad of content-rich paper presentations imbued with future-positive insights, we are looking forward to a time of synergy and active interaction between speakers and participants, a time to "catch up" again, from where we left off in 2010 in Sydney, Australia, in terms of our individual as well as our respective countries’ progress in rising above challenges and reinforced tacit knowledge.

Most of all, in the active conversations we are expecting from the anticipated cohesive emphasis on "making it count" with our professional services (relevance) in the face of the key challenges, it is envisaged that, besides the knowledge sharing and enjoyable visits to experience Beautiful and Sunny Malaysia, all delegates at the forthcoming FIG 2014 International Congress and General Assembly, will leave Malaysia, feeling empowered with the knowledge and wisdom, to be directed towards enhanced nation building, as they return to their respective countries. This scenario will indeed be the crux of the pride and joy to be felt by the Association of Authorised Land Surveyors Malaysia and its members, for all the effort and enthusiasm rendered (with the support of major stakeholders and sponsors) to make this event possible.

We thank you, members of FIG, for your votes and the FIG, for the opportunity to host this event. Time flies quickly with keen anticipation. See you in Malaysia REAL soon!

Welcome by CheeHai Teo, President International Federation of Surveyors, FIG

FIG Congresses are celebrations, honouring the culmination of its four-year long work plans.

The Silver Jubilee (25th) Congress of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, in the shadows of the famed PETRONAS Twin

Towers, at the heart of the City of Kuala Lumpur will continue with this tradition. The theme, “Engaging the Challenge"; Enhancing the Relevance” is also the theme of the FIG’s current four-year Work Plan.

The Congress provides an opportunity to engage and exchange, to discuss and debate, to interact and inspire, to mentor and motivate, particularly on current developments and contributions that will allow our Profession to be continually armed with knowledge and best practices, extending the use and usefulness of surveying towards the betterment of society, environment and economy.

Hence it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our Kuala Lumpur 2014 FIG Congress that is jointly organized by FIG and the Association of Authorized Land Surveyors Malaysia (PEJUTA). The Government of Malaysia through the Malaysian Conventions and Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB), Tourism Malaysia, the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM) and the Land Surveyors Board Malaysia (LJT) together with a host of related national agencies, institutions and professional bodies are supporting PEJUTA and FIG. Support from partnering agencies and bodies of United Nations and the World Bank, allied international and regional professional and non-governmental organizations are also expected.

The organizers are expecting double the normal paper proposals as well as double to normal number of participants to FIG’s annual working weeks these past years. Presentations will comprise of peer reviewed, scientific, academic, technical and practical papers and participants will be from differing cultural backgrounds, diverse surveying traditions, varying professional experiences and multi-professional disciplines. Together with the trade exhibition and a combination of side events and social functions, the Kuala Lumpur 2014 FIG Congress should be of interest to participants from all over the world and will be a memorable experience not to be missed.

I look forward to welcoming you to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in June 2014.