Opening Ceremony |

President Holger Magel had a meeting with the Chiefs before the
opening ceremony

Odeneho Gyapong Ababio, Chair of the National House of Chiefs,
Ghana, Chair of the Opening Ceremony together with President Magel. |

Speakers of the Opening Ceremony waiting for the Senior Minister to open
the conference.

The conference was organised at the La-Palm Hotel. At the opening
ceremony more than 500 participants filled the main hall. |

Totally about 650 people from 50 countries attended the conference. |

Several Chiefs and King Mums attended the opening ceremony. |

Odeneho Gyapong Ababio, Chair of the National House of Chiefs,
chaired the opening session.

Prof. Ian Dowman brought the greetings from sister organisations
and partners to the opening ceremony. |

Opening prayer of the conference. |

Speakers at the opening ceremony. |

President Magel giving his opening keynote address. |


Dr. B. E. K. Prah, President of GhIS giving his welcome address. |

His Excellency John Henry Mensah , Senior Minister of Ghana gave
the keynote address on behalf of HE Mr. John Agyekum Kuffour,
President of the Republic of Ghana |

Audience listening to the FIG fanfare.

Dr. Antonio Carillo from GTZ and Vice President Ralf Schroth
in discussion after the opening ceremony. |

President Magel was giving interviews to radio, TV and national
Council and ACCO Meetings |

Council meeting before the conference. Congress Coordinator Stephen
Djaba is giving briefing to the Council members. |


The FIG Council was invited for a dinner hosted by the Director of
Surveys of Ghana. |

President Magel giving his speech at the dinner.

Commission chairs and Chairs Elect discussed the current and new work
plans at their meeting in Accra: |


Traditional Commission Dinner at a Ghanaian restaurant. |


During the busy week the only time for swimming was the early morning
hours: |

Adam Greenland, Chair of Commission 4 having discussions with
Hugo Gorziglia, Director of IHB. |

The conference was not only about land surveying. Commission 10 meeting
on quantity surveying gathered a full hall to discuss construction
economics in FIG. |
Visit the Chief |

Prior the conference representative of GhIS and FIG visited the local
chief in La area in Accra. |
