Presidents' Meeting 19 June 2008 |

More than 50 representatives from 38 member associations attended the
Presidents' meeting to discuss the cooperation between FIG and its
member associations. |

Council meeting |

Council members in group picture in the atrium of Norra Latin: Paul
van der Molen (on the left), Chryssy Potsiou, Ken Allred,
Dalal S. Alnaggar, Stig Enemark and Matt Higgins. |

Council having its meeting before the Working Week starts:

Council meeting in the library of Norra Latin. |

Council dinner in the Old Town of Stockholm. |
ACCO and Commission meetings |

Commission chairs and Vice Chairs at the ACCO meeting to discuss issues
of common interest to all commissions. |

Vice President Matt Higgins is chairing the ACCO here in
discussion with ACCO members and President Stig Enemark. |

Kauko Viitanen, Rudolf Staiger and Matt Higgins in
the second ACCO meeting.

ACCO members discussing the programme of FIG 2009 in Israel with the
organising committee of the Working Week in Eilat. |

The Commissions have both their administrative meetings during the
conference as well as their commission dinners to share information -
Commission 3 dinner after the long week. |

Commission 5 Dinner in the Old Town. |
Corporate Members' Meeting |

Corporate members meeting is essential part of the programme of the
Working Week to discuss how the co-operation between FIG and the
corporate members can be improved. |

Corporate members meeting is chaired by Peter Normann Hansen
(Blom International, on the right) here listening presentation from
Paul Harcombe on opportunities for corporate members at FIG 2010. |
Standards Network |

Some members of the Standards Network after their meeting in Stockholm. |
Reception for Honorary Presidents and Honorary Members |

Honorary Presidents Carl-Olof Ternryd (Sweden), Juha Talvitie
(Finland) and Robert W. Foster (USA) together with President
Stig Enemark at the reception hosted for the Honorary Presidents and
Members. |

Honorary Presidents and Members: Jürg Kaufmann, Carl-Olof
Ternryd, Stig Enemark, Juha Talvitie, Robert W.
Foster and Jerome Ives.

Nancy Ives, Robert W. Foster, Krystyna Czarnecka
and Paul van der Molen. |

Stig Enemark and Jerome C. Ives.

Carl-Olof Ternryd and Jürg Kaufmann. |
Meetings with Member associations and delegations |

Meeting of the Arab Union of Surveyors.

President Stig Enemark and President Pierre Bibollet, OGE,
France discussing the OGE/CLGE conference in Strasbourg in September and
FIG participation to this event. |

Meeting with the CIT/CFIA from Costa Rica on the CFIA conference in
September 2008 - Freddy Bolanos, Juan Manuel Castro,
President of CIT and Jose Antonio Vives from CFIA and Pedro
Cavero, FIG Ambassador in Latin America. |

Meeting with the CIT/CFIA from Costa Rica: Jose Antonio Vives,
Pedro Cavero, Juan Manuel Castro, President of CIT, Stig
Enemark, and Freddy Bolanos. |

President Stig Enemark and President Aziz Hilali, ONIGT,

Meeting with the delegation from ONIGT, Morocco on launching the FIG
Working Week 2011 in Morocco in December 2008. |

President Stig Enemark and Moshe Fogel signed the
agreement between FIG and ALSI on the arrangements of the FIG Working
Week in Eilat, Israel in May 2009.

President Stig Enemark discussed with Prof. Alexander Karpik,
Rector of the Siberian Academy of Geodesy and Prof. Vladimir A.
Seredovich, Vice President on Innovative Activity on the
co-operation between FIG and SSGA. SSGA also joined FIG as an affiliate
member. |