Conference and Seminar Proceedings

Commission 3 + 8 workshop, 13-14 December in Greece

1st edition of the "International Scientific Conferences of European Surveyors", organized by EGoS - European Group of Surveyors.

13-14 December 2022, Athens, Greece


Tuesday 13 December
9:30 Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session

Rudolf Staiger - President of FIG
The role of UNGGIM and the geospatial societies

John Hohol - President of FIG Foundation
The FIG Foundation

11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Technical Session I - SDI's and the way forward
  Chair Markus Schaffert

Helge Onsrud
25 years as consultant of western Balkans observations, reflection and viewpoint of land administration

Nick Land - ESRI
Next generation SDI for a world in crises

Marjan Čeh
Integration of SDI and interoperability of LIS

Panos Lolonis - Head of the Geospatial Information Department Hellenic Cadastre
The Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Hellenic Cadaster: Current State of Play and Prospects

Evangelia Balla
Re-thinking the implementation of land management tools in spatial planning from a policy transfer perspective to "the case of land readjustment in Greece"

13:00 Lunch
14:00 Technical Session II - Extending the LADM model for spatial planning

Chair Marije Louwsma

Abdullah Kara, Peter van Oosterom, Christiaan Lemmen, Marije Louwsma, Agung Indrajit
Extending Land Administration Domain Model with Spatial Plan Information (ISO 19152-5)

Cemal Özgür Kivilcim
How Surveyors Can Contribute to Project Management Systems for the Resilient City Public Projects, Case of Istanbul


15:00 Break
15:30 Technical Session III - Current Land Management Issues I

Chair Randolph Camilleri

Cidália C. Fonte, Alberto Cardoso
The FireLoc Project: Whereʼs the Fire? - Identification, positioning and monitoring forest
fires with crowdsourced data

Dimitrios Kitsakis, Eftychia Kalogianni and Efi Dimopoulou
Public Law Restrictions in a Spatial Planning Context

Nikos Zacharias
The solution of the disputes in the cadastral registries with alternative ways

Rik Wouters
Formalizing and building back better informal Settlements-the way forward

Rahmi Nurhan Celik - Istanbul Technical University & EGOS
Towards the Digital Twins

Katerina Fotiou, Flora Chalakatevaki, Sofia Fydani
Remote Sensing Project Examples in Urban Environment – the Greek Examples (on behalf of Geosystems Hellas) S.A.

Stathakis Dimitris - President of Hellenic Cadastre
Present status of the Hellenic Cadastre

17:30 Closure of the day
20:00 Dinner at Attikos Restaurant
  Located in 7 Garivaldi str, Acropolis
Wednesday 14 December
9:00 Technical Session IV - Fostering applications and the use of geospatial data

Chair Hartmut Mueller

Hartmut Mueller, Marije Louwsma, Cemre Sahinkaya, Chryssy Potsiou, Enrico Rispoli, Maria Grazia Scorza,Cemal Özgür Kivilcim, Markus Schaffert
FIG publication Geospatial data in the 2020ʼs

Cemre Şahinkaya
Understanding the changing "give away" and shopping habits as a part of urban practices in germany: the case of neustadt district, Dresden

Cemal Özgür Kivilcim, Leonardo Franchi, Cromwell Manaloto et Al.
Collaboration and Synergy across generations: Young Surveyors in FIG Commission 3

Cromwell Manaloto et Al.
Agenda 2030 for Geometra 2030: challenges and insights in spatial planning for the Italian Young Surveyors

10:30 Break
11:00 Technical Session V - Current Land Management Issues II

Chair Chryssy Potsiou

Apostolopoulos K., Kavadas J., Potsiou C.
Time to discuss improving the quality of crowdsourced cadastral surveys

Gkeli M., Bakalos N., Doulamis N., Sofia Soile, Potsiou C.
Machine learning and indoor mapping in support of a Fit For Purpose 3D cadastre

Eleftheriou, V., Kyriakidis C., Potsiou C.
Is access to housing & tenure security a critical factor for the social integration of refugees in Greece?

Boris Tundzev, Sonja Dimova, Tatjana Cenova Nitrevska - President of Cadastre North Macedonia
Analisys of the Process of Building Legalization

Bashkim Idrizi, Lyubka Pashova, Neriman Selimi, Driton Imeri
Using geoinformation and VGI in formal education

12:15 Conclusion and Closing

Chair Rudolf Staiger

Panelists Hartmut Mueller, Marije Louwsma, Nikos Zacharias, Chryssy Potsiou
The panel will look back and reflect on the contributions to this conference through the lens of
this event "on the role of the surveyor, geo-data and spatial planning facing multiple crises”


13:00 Lunch
14:30 Visit of the Acropolis


Downoad the programme in pdf here

Download the report here


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