FAO Publications

European Union accession and land tenure data in Central and
Eastern Europe
On 1 May 2004, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia,
Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia joined the European
Union (EU) in its largest and most significant expansion to date. On 1
January 2007, the two accession countries, Bulgaria and Romania, are
expected to join the EU, though this can be postponed until 2008. Other
countries from Central and Eastern Europe are likely to be admitted to
the EU in due course. Croatia has been granted the status of candidate
country. A process has started that could eventually lead to EU
membership for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, The former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, and Serbia and Montenegro (including Kosovo). The
EU has a long tradition of offering membership to countries with the
intention of strengthening democracy and the rule of law in them, and
the present expansion into Central and Eastern Europe should be seen in
this context.
EU membership has profound implications for all parts of a country’s
economy, as well as for its relationships with the other countries in
Europe and its internal political structures. Members of the EU must be
democracies governed by the rule of law and which guarantee human
rights. They must have functioning market economies able to withstand
the competitive pressures that EU membership brings, and governmental
structures capable of discharging the wide range of obligations imposed
on EU Member States. Countries joining the EU are obliged to adopt a
wide range of laws in order to harmonize their legal structures with
those of the EU.
This note is concerned with only one limited aspect of entry into the
EU, namely, the impact on land tenure. The EU is a single market in
which citizens and companies in any Member State are free to work,
invest or set up businesses in any other Member State. No Member State,
therefore, may place discriminatory restrictions either on where its
citizens and companies are permitted to invest or on the investments
made in it by citizens or companies from elsewhere in the EU. Such
restrictions can also impede the free mobility of workers and
businesses. Therefore, membership of the EU is not compatible with
discriminatory constitutional or other restrictions on the assets that
can be owned by foreigners from elsewhere in the EU.
European Union accession and land tenure data in Central and Eastern
Europe. FAO Land Tenure Policy Series Number 1. Published by the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, 2006.
ISBN 92-5-105497-5
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