Joint WB/FIG/GLTN/FAO publication

Innovations in Land Rights Recognition, Administration and
The World Bank has published a joint
WB/FIG/GLTN/FAO publication on “Innovations in Land Rights
Recognition, Administration and Governance”. This publication is
based on papers presented mainly at the joint FIG/WB conference on
“Land Governance in Support of the Millennium Development Goals:
Responding to New Challenges” that was held in Washington DC, USA
9-10 March 2009.
Joint WB/FIG/GLTN/FAO publication on Innovations in Land
Rights Recognition, Administration and Governance. Joint
Discussion Paper published by The World Bank, GLTN, FIG and FAO.
Edited by Klaus Deininger, Stig Enemark, Clarissa Augustinus and
Paul Munro-Faure. Proceedings from the Annual Conference on Land
Policy and Administration.
Joint Organizational Discussion Paper—Issue 2. April 2010.
Download here
The importance of good land governance to strengthen women’s land
rights, facilitate land-related investment, transfer land to better
uses, use it as collateral, and allow effective decentralization through
collection of property taxes has long been recognized. The challenges
posed by recent global developments, especially urbanization, increased
and more volatile food prices, and climate change have raised the
profile of land and the need for countries to have appropriate land
policies. However, efforts to improve country-level land governance are
often frustrated by technical complexities, institutional fragmentation,
vested interests, and lack of a shared vision on how to move towards
good land governance and measure progress in concrete settings. Recent
initiatives have recognized the important challenges this raises and the
need for partners to act in a collaborative and coordinated fashion to
address them. The breadth and depth of the papers included in this
volume, all of which were presented at the World Bank’s Annual
Conference on Land Policy and Administration, illustrate the benefits
from such collaboration. They are indicative not only of the diversity
of issues related to land governance but, more importantly, highlight
that, even though the topic is complex and politically challenging,
there is a wealth of promising new approaches to improving land
governance through innovative technologies, country-wide policy
dialogue, and legal and administrative reforms. The publication is based
on an on-going partnership between the World Bank, the International
Federation of Surveyors, the Global Land Tool Network and the United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization provide tools that can help to
address land governance in practice and at scale. It is our hope that
this volume will be of use to increase awareness of and support to the
successful implementation of innovative approaches that can help to not
only improve land governance, but also thereby contribute to the
well-being of the poorest and the achievement of the Millennium
Development Goals.