News in 2017

INGEO2017: 7th International Conference on Engineering
18 - 20 October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
The 7th International Conference on Engineering Surveying
(INGEO2017) was held October 18-20, 2017 in Lisbon, Portugal.
INGEO2017 was organized together with Department of Surveying of
the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Slovak University of
Technology (FC STU) in Bratislava and the National Laboratory
for Civil Engineering (LNEC) in Lisbon. |
The series of INGEO conferences are organised under
the umbrella of FIG Commission 6. The longevity of this event shows the importance of the theme -
monitoring and safety of engineering structures.
The theme of the event
“Monitoring: Needs and Solutions” expresses the need of the joining, in
one event, the two communities - surveyors and civil engineers. In
INGEO2017, the producers of data and information (surveyors,
geographical engineers and other specialist in geospatial measuring
techniques applied to monitoring) was meet the users of our information:
the civil engineers. The civil engineers responsible by the security of
structures like buildings, dams, bridges, tunnels, power plants and
power distribution infrastructures, breakwaters, roads, slopes, etc.,
have been presented needs and expectations to correctly describe the
state of the art of the structures. The surveyors were presenting novel
technology which they improve to meet the requirements of our clients
for the information (data) as well as the accuracy and reliability of
these information.
At the Opening Ceremony in the welcome address the
representatives of institutes which participate in the conference
organisation were thanked: Carlos Alberto, president of LNEC; António Batista, head
of the Concrete Dams Department; Wolfgang Niemeier, Chair of the FIG C6
WG6.1; Maria João Henriques, Chair of LOC; and Alojz Kopáčik, Chair of
the conference SC.

122 participants attended the
conference, from 12 countries across the world – Portugal,
Nigeria, Germany, Slovakia, Austria, Angola, Croatia, Angola,
South Korea, Serbia, Poland, Mozambique, USA, Italy,
Switzerland, Slovenia, France, Saudi Arabia, UK, Spain, Greece,
France, Finland, Ukrain.
The technical programme of the conference
includes 6 plenary sessions, 9 technical sessions and one poster
session with
36 presentations and 5 posters.
From all papers submitted to the conference 20 are reviewed, which is marked in the conference programme and over the
papers title by stamp. Traditionally all papers included to the
conference proceedings will be available in the FIG Library. Regarding
the agreement between the organisers and editorial board of selected
journals (Applied Geomatics, Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, Slovak
Journal of Civil Engineering) have the conference participants the
possibility publish the extended version of his papers presented at the
conference. This will enhance the conference value for the future and
make this more profitable for the participants.
Regarding the feedback and discussion after the
conference could be concluded that the 7th INGEO2017 was a successful
event organised on behalf the FIG Commission 6 and support the
cooperation of FIG members with other professions.
For more information about the conference, please visit
Prof. Alojz Kopáčik, Chair of the Scientific Committee
Eng. Maria Henriques, Chair of the Local Organizing Committee.
8 December 2017