News in 2019

New FIG Publication: Best Practices 3D Cadastres
Publication 72, February 2019
The latest publication in the FIG Publication series is Best
Practice 3D Cadastre which is edited by Peter van Oosterom.
At the end of the two most recent 4-year terms (2010-2014 and 2014-2018)
of the joint commission 3 ‘Spatial Information Management’ and commission 7
‘Cadastre and Land Management’ FIG Working Group on 3D Cadastres, it was
decided to collect the best known practices in a single FIG publication. Key
authors were invited to lead a chapter on one of the following topics:
- Chapter 1. Legal foundations (Dimitrios Kitsakis),
- Chapter 2. Initial Registration of 3D Parcels (Efi Dimopoulou),
- Chapter 3. 3D Cadastral Information Modelling (Peter van Oosterom),
- Chapter 4. 3D Spatial DBMS for 3D Cadastres (Karel Janečka), and
- Chapter 5. Visualization and New Opportunities (Jacynthe Pouliot).
The mentioned lead authors have each teamed-up with a group of
authors to produce their chapters. A lot of inspiration was found in the
earlier 3D Cadastres activities of FIG, such as the various 3D Cadastres
workshops, the two 3D Cadastres questionnaires, and the presentations
and publications at the 3D Cadastres sessions at every FIG Working Week
and Congress.
he result is a quite extensive FIG publication of about 250 pages.
Based on the
long version this shorter
version was produced. The short version is available as FIG
publication both in hard-copy (paper) and soft-copy (pdf online). The long
version is published only in soft-copy form and in the style of the FIG
In the preface, Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President 2015-18 writes:
This publication is a further contribution of FIG in this on-going
process of improving land administration systems. It responds to the need
for international research in building effective land administration
infrastructures with modern information technology that will support the
2030 global policy goals for sustainable development. This study takes into
account the recent developments that have taken place, and I hope that it
will lead to a better understanding of the concept of a 3D cadaster.
Read FIG
Publication 72 on Best Practices 3D Cadastres (72 pages, 2.3 Mb)
Extended version (258 pages - 11.353 Mb)
Geoconnexion Magazine has published an article
written by Peter van Oosteroom:
Part and Parcel of City Development
FIG would like to thank all the contributing authors for this
extended work that has taken place over so many years.
Louise Friis-Hansen
February 2019