FIG Regional Capacity Development Network

FIG Regional Capacity Development Networks
The purpose of the Regional Capacity Development Networks are to ensure
the rapid response to change and to ensure the surveyors of tomorrow by a
global network operationalised on a Regional basis.
Background of the regional capacity development networks
The networks originates
from the Africa Task Force 2009-2014
that delivered a clear direction for African members Associations to
actively increase their presence in FIG, and raise the profile of both
African land professionals as well as the wider FIG land community on the
international stage.
Importantly, such a regional network may be adopted by other regions.
Supported by an appropriate business case to be agreed by FIG
Council, the overarching mandate of each region will be “to develop
workshops to build the capacity of land professionals to enable them to
effectively embrace current global trends in their respective region”
The platforms have the following advantages:
- The concept can readily be seen as a template and adopted by Land
professional’s groupings in other World Regions.
- It becomes an identifiable entity in the minds of public and civic
institutions and can more clearly be engaged
- It will deliver a high profile activity that contributes to the FIG
corporate brand by maintaining meaningful links into strategic donor
partner’s work activities and their associated international African
Regional mandates
- It should aim to continue and increase the presence and involvement
of the Young Surveyors, drawing upon the Young Surveyors Network as key
The African region lead the initiative, established at the 2015
FIG Working Week held in Bulgaria as the Africa FIG Regional Network (ARN).
In 2016 the Asia Pacific Regional Network was
At the FIG Working Week 2023 the Americas Regional Network
was established.
Each Regional network business plan and activities are found in the links