FIG Task Force on Real Estate Market Study

Task Force on Real Estate Market Study
The Task Force on Real Estate Market Study was established at
the General Assembly of the FIG Working Week 2015 in Sofia. It was
considered good for Surveyors to increase their knowledge and activity in
real estate markets and on current challenges. The Task Force was to carry
out a study on the real property markets concerning mainly countries within
the ECE Region in an economic transition process in its different phases.
The Guidelines
for the Formalizing of Informal Constructions was developed jointly by
UNECE Working Party on Land Administration (WPLA) and the International
Federation of Surveyors (FIG). It is a brief, practical and easy-to-read
guide, explaining how to structure a program for the formalization of
informal constructions.
As countries are preparing for post-COVID recovery, these Guidelines may
be of particular interest. Benefits from formalizing informal settlements
could contribute to economic recovery by integrating them into land markets,
with clear ownership titles and registration. Security of tenure, right to
ownership of land and property provides access to credit and environmental,
planning, construction, and utility-provision improvements can be initiated
to a standard where people can live in adequate and healthy homes.
The publication was planned to be launched at the FIG Working Week 2020
in Amsterdam, the Netherlands at a special joint UNECE/FIG session. As the
Working Week was cancelled, the launch has been converted into this online
The Task Force on Real Estate Market Study was established at
the General Assembly of the FIG Working Week 2015 in Sofia. It was
considered good for Surveyors to increase their knowledge and activity in
real estate markets and on current challenges. The Task Force was to carry
out a study on the real property markets concerning mainly countries within
the ECE Region in an economic transition process in its different phases.
High-level Workshop on Sustainable Real Estate
Markets-Policy Framework and Necessary Reforms 19-20
September 2016
We have the pleasure to invite you to participate in
the High-level Athens Workshop in September 19 and 20,
co-organized by FIG, the World Bank and the Technical
Chamber of Greece. You are welcome to submit papers,
too. The topic is: Sustainable Real Estate
Markets-Policy Framework and Necessary Reforms".
The Global Lead on Land Policy and Geospatial Issues
of the WB, Mr Wael Zakout will give the main keynote
speaker. The motto is: "For a world free of
poverty, fear and inequality, where life is safe and
growth is resilient and sustainable" The Workshop
is supported by FIG Com 3, 7 and 9. It is also supported
by FIABCI, EGoS, Eurobank Property Services and the
National Bank of Greece. It will be held at the Old
Stock Exchange Building of the National Bank of Greece,
Pesmazoglou 1 st, in Athens.
Please find attached more info about the topics and the
updated important dates.
Work Plan
It would be good for Surveyors to increase their knowledge and activity
in real estate markets on the current challenges etc. Therefore it would be
helpful to establish a FIG Task Force on this topic. It is suggested to
focus on the ECE region. There are several countries in this region
struggling to improve their property markets.
Carry out a study on the real property markets in the UNECE region.
Topics related to the theme or the real estate market: legislation
relevant recent legislation and involved governmental agencies for
regulation and permitting procedures existing registers/databases,
information services taxation, fees - transparency players/actors
investigation of the investors' needs processes time and costs required
government guarantees to register information security of
Suggested members of the task force and people involved: to be decided at
the Working Week 2015. Also other experts, not only surveyors, will be
needed. They can be found in collaboration with UNECE.
Report on the current situation in the real property market in the
region, its challenges, and main lines of development.
Pekka Halme, Director of Strategic Development, NLS