Commission 6 at FIG Working Week 2024
June 2024
The FIG Working Week 2024 was held from 19-24 May
in Accra, Ghana. During the conference, Commission 6 had organised severaly sessions in the tehcnical
programme and conducted its annual meeting.
Additionally, the progress of all commissions was
presented at the General Assembly.
Annual report to General Assembly
Minutes General Assembly
Proceedings/Technical programme
Report Annual Meeting
> Conference
6th Joint International Symposium on Deformation
Monitoring (JISDM) in Karlsruhe, Germany,
7 β 9 April, 2025
JISDM is dedicated to the latest developments in
the field of deformation measurements and
deformation analysis and brings together experts
from the wide range of geodetic fields like
photogrammetry, remote sensing, engineering geodesy
and higher geodesy as well as from neighbouring
fields at the interface of deformation monitoring.
Web site
Commission 6 Annual Meeting
May 2023
During the FIG Working Week 2023 the annual
meeting of Commission 6 was held as part of the
technical programme. Chair of the commission, Werner
Lienhart presented the work plan in detail together
with each of the Working Group Chairs.
Handouts of introduction
Meet the officers
Commission Chair

Prof. Dr. Werner
Lienhart, Austria
Contact: FIGCommission6 [at]
Working Group Chairs and Co-Chairs:
Chair of Working Group 6.1
Deformation Monitoring and Analysis
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Niemeier
Chair of Working Group 6.2
Dynamic Structural Monitoring
Assoc. Prof. Panos Psimoulis
Chair of Working Group 6.3
Applications of immersive technologies in
Engineering Geodesy
Peter Bauer
Chair of Working Group 6.4
Engineering Surveying Outreach
Craig Hancock, PhD
Commission Chair
Prof. Dr. Werner Lienhart
Commission Vice Chair
Prof. Dr. Vassilis Gikas
Delegates and Correspondents:
Each member association has the right to
nominate a delegate to each of the ten technical
commissions. In addition Affiliates, Academic
Members and Corporate Members are welcome to nominate a
correspondent to each commission.
Interested? If you are
interested to become a national delegate from your
country, please contact your
member association. The contact information of national delegates is
updated by the FIG office. Any changes in contact
information should be sent to the FIG

FIG publication 25: βModels
and Terminology for the Analysis of Geodetic
Monitoring Observationsβ is the result
of the growing interest in the
interdisciplinary approach to physical
interpretation and modelling of the
relationship between causative factors
(loads) and deformation. It gives surveying
engineers a solid basis for a unification of
terms used in deformation modelling and
helps to better understand the finesses of
the modelling processes.
Since its creation, Commission 6 has been
involved in the organization, or supports
the organization, of events for the
presentation of the latest techniques and
methodologies applied by surveying
engineers. From these is important to
highlight the FIG symposia on the overall
theme of deformations monitoring, with
almost 20 editions. Click
to access the proceedings of events or click
here for
future commission 6 events.
Term 2019-2022
Term 2015-2018
Term 2011-2014
Term 2007-2010
Term 2003-2006
Working Groups
Term 2019-2022
WG 6.1:
Deformation Monitoring and Analysis
WG 6.2:
Dynamic Structural Monitoring
WG 6.3:
Applications of immersive technologies in
Engineering Geodesy
WG 6.4:
Engineering Surveying Outreach
Work Plan
FIG Publications
FIG publication 25:
Models and Terminology for the Analysis of
Geodetic Monitoring Observations
FIG Proceedings
List of FIG Conference Proceedings
Surveyors Reference Library
All events
Reports to General Assembly
Report, May 2020
Report, Hanoi, Vietnam. 2019
Report, Helsinki, Finland, 2017
All reports