1 February 2025 - SanJose 9AM, Washington DC 10AM, Buenos Aires
12PM Madrid 4PM

Ética profesional y deontología para la Comunidad Geomática y Topográfica Mundial / Professional ethics and deontology for the global geomatics and surveying community
Organised by APPAT, CLGE, COIGT Spain, and FIG with
participation by the chair of FIG Commission 1.
More information
Register here
Commission 1 at FIG Working Week 2024
June 2024

The FIG Working Week 2024 was held from 19-24 May
in Accra, Ghana. During the conference, Commission 1
conducted its annual meeting. Additionally, the
progress of all commissions was presented at the
General Assembly.
Annual report to General Assembly
Minutes General Assembly
Proceedings/Technical programme
Report Annual Meeting
> Conference
December 2022
Read about the Commission 1 activities throughout
2022; in which the Chair of
Commission 1 attended the FIG Congress 2022 in
Warsaw, Poland where also a an anual Commission 1
meeting took place.
Read the newsletter
Commission 1 at FIG Congress 2022 in Warsaw, Poland
October 2022
The Congress took place11-15 September 2022 in Warsaw, Poland. Commission 1
held its annual meeting with outset in their prepared Report and
Commission 1 was also involved in sessions covering
Cadastre and Land Management within the theme of Volunteering for the future Geospatial
excellence for a better living
To read more about Congress, the full report
Congress 2022
is available.
Commision 1, Chair Elect
August 2021
The General Assembly elected Mr. Timothy W. Burch from the United
States of America, NSPS, as the Chair Elect of Commission 1, the
elected Chair Elect term as the Chair of the Commission will be
initiated at the FIG Congress 2022 for the period 2023-2026.
In the
from the General Assemble, you can also access the video
presentation of the
Candidate, Mr. Timothy W. Burch.
August 2021
The Working Week took place online 20-25 June 2021. Commission 1
held its annual meeting with outset in their prepared Report and
Commission 1 was also involved in sessions covering Commission 1
areas within the theme of Smart Surveyors for Land and Water
To read more about Working Week 2021, the full report
e-Working Week 2021 is available.
Article: Key Global and Technology Drivers Impacting Surveying
February 2021
The article was published in GIM International. As the FIG commission chairs
are near the halfway point in their
terms, they reflect on the global and technological drivers
influencing their work. This article describes the breadth of work
across the FIG commissions as well as the common areas. The
discussion is also informed by global reports such as the UN-GGIM’s
Future Trends in Geospatial Information Management and the RICS
Futures Report 2020.
Enjoy the article
December 2020
Read about the Commission 1 activities throughout
2020; welcome to Timothy Burch, new chair of WG 1.1;
new publication on International Boundaries on
Unstable Ground; wrapping up the workshop on
Professional Standards and Practice of Surveying
and Mapping in the countries along the Belt and Road
Read the newsletter

16-18 September 2020, Deqing, Zhejiang Province, China
This Workshop is organized by FIG Commission 1 jointly with the
People's Government of Deqing County, China.
The theme of the Workshop is Professional Standards and Practice of
Surveying and Mapping in the countries along the Belt and Road Routes.
There will be world-renowned speakers to deliver their expert views on
contemporary surveying standards and practices and how to lucratively
apply them the development of countries along these Routes alongside the
Belt and Road Initiative. The Workshop will also be a valuable forum for
delegates coming from all over the world to exchange and share their
experience and knowledge on standards and practices for various survey and
mapping activities with particular emphasis on countries along the Belt
and Road Routes.
The Belt and Road Initiative is a significant development strategy
launched by the Chinese government with the intention of promoting
economic co-operation. It is intended to enhance the orderly free-flow of
economic factors and the efficient allocation of resources, as well as to
further market integration and create a regional economic co-operation
framework of benefit to all. Within the scope of this Initiative there are
five routes spanning over 60 countries in Asia, Africa and Europe, with
over 60% of the whole world population living therein. To cater for the
survey and mapping needs of this mega endeavour, surveyors are facing
enormous challenges to provide quality surveying and mapping services in
exploiting the state-of- the-art technology and to develop innovative
ideas to further advance survey and mapping services.
FIG sees that it is opportune time to have a critical look at the
standards and practice in surveying and mapping as adopted by various
surveying organizations with a view to modernizing and enhancing these
standards and practices to better meet the changing environment and needs,
particularly as we are entering into the age of geospatial data.
FIG Working (from home) Week 2020 - Proceedings
May 2020
During the conference days a range of articles
highlighting the hot-topics, the ground breaking
research, and the hidden gems in the proceedings was
FIG Commission 1 received a well coverage of technical papers for the
topics related to Professional Practice, Boundaries and Women in
Surveying. All the submissions are related to the theme of Smart Surveyors
for FIG Working Week 2020. Apart from the papers, there is an open meeting
about International Ethical Standards (IES), in which FIG members and
participants can present and discuss examples of high standard practices.
Once these examples are identified and discussed, the FIG Council will
assess whether the current FIG Ethics Code should be updated or adapted to
the IES-Code. This can finally lead to a discussion about a harmonisation
or replacement of the existing Ethical Code of FIG.
Read the Commission 1 article.
FIG Working Week 2020 has been cancelled
March 2020
It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we
announce the cancellation of this year’s FIG Working
Week in Amsterdam due 10-14 May.
This is not a decision we have taken lightly and there are two
overriding concerns that have caused us to make this decision at this
First, the Dutch Government announced new measurements to control the
COVID-19 outbreak. In the Netherlands all gatherings are prohibited until
1 June.
Second, our primary concern is always the wellbeing of you, and we
would not take on the responsibility, during these times, to bring so many
surveyors from all over the world together.
March 2020
FIG Commission 1 has prepared a written report to
the General assembly.
The full agenda is available
The General Assembly has been cancelled and
postponed to 2021.
February 2020
The theme
Smart Surveyors for Land and
Water Management is both relevant in a
world where drinking water is a scarce resource,
waste water needs to be recycled rather than seen as
waste, where the sea needs to be better mapped and
managed, where land resources need to be protected
against sea-level rise, and where land-based fresh
water habitats are threatened.
Commission 1 is planning the following sessions:
and a Working Group meeting on -
Read about the Commission 1 activities throughout
The Working Week took place in Hanoi, Vietnam
22-26 April 2019. Commission 1 held its yearly meeting and was
involved in several sessions covering the commission 1 areas.
This is the last newsletter from Brian Coutts, chair of FIG
Commission 1 2015-2018. Read update on the commission
Winnie SHIU, Chair Elect of Commission 1,
met with Anh Ngoc Nhuyen, the contact of the
technical session of Commission 1, in Hanoi in early November.
It was a fruitful discussion for planning the technical
programme for Commission 1 in the FIG Working Week in Hanoi

Anh Ngoc Nhuyen and Winnie SHIU
Message from incoming chair
Dear National Delegates of Commission 1,
I'm pleased being the Chair-Elect of FIG Commission 1
'Professional Standards and Practice’.
Submission of abstracts for Peer Reviewed and Non-peer
Reviewed Papers for the FIG Working Week 2019 in Hanoi Vietnam
will be closed on 1.10.2018 and 1.11.2018 respectively. The
theme of the conference is 'Geospatial Information for a Smarter
Life and Environmental Resillience'. It will be great for the
delegates from various countries be able to listen and share
your expertise and views in the areas of Professional Ethics and
Standards, International Boundaries and Women in Surveying.
for details of the Working Week and I look forward to receiving your
submission and seeing you at the Working Week in Vietnam.
Please feel free to contact me at
Winnie SHIU
Chair Elect Commission 1
Commission 1 Newsletter 2017
Read the latest newsletter from Commission 1with
updates on the Working Week 2017 and news from the Working
Commisson 1 at the FIG Working Week 2017 in
Helsinki, Finland 29 May - 2 June
Commission 1 had its annual meeting during the
FIG Working Week 2017 in Helsinki, Finland 29
May - 2 June 2017

Commission chairs 2015-2018 at their meeting during the FIG
Working Week, 29 May-2 June in Helsinki, Finland: Remy Boudon(comm. 6) Volker
Schwieger (comm. 5), See Lian ONG (comm. 10), Angela Etuonovbe
(comm. 4), Steven Nystrom (comm. 9), Kwame Tenadu (comm. 8),
Enrico Rispoli (comm. 3), Gerda Schennach (comm. 7), Fahria Masum(comm. 2), Brian J.
Coutts (comm. 1)
Commisson 1 at the FIG Working Week 2016 in
Christchurch, New Zealand 2-6 May
Commission 1 had its annual meeting during the FIG
Working Week 2016 in Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-6 May

Commission chairs 2015-2018 at their meeting during the FIG Working
Week, 2-6 May 2016 in Christchurch, New Zealand: Brian J. Coutts (comm. 1), E.M.C.
(Liza) Groenendijk (comm. 2), Enrico
Rispoli (comm. 3), Angela Etuonovbe
(comm. 4), Volker Schwieger (comm. 5), Diane Dumashie (Vice
president), Ivo
Milev (comm. 6)., Gerda Schennach
(comm. 7), Steven Nystrom (comm. 9), See Lian ONG
(comm. 10) and Eva-Maria Unger (YSN)
Newsletter - November 2015
Commission 1 at the FIG Working Week in Sofia,
Bulgaria 17-21 May 2015
Commission 1 had its annual meeting during the FIG
Working Week 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria, 17-21 May 2015.
Commission 1 at the FIG Working Week 2013 in Abuja,
Nigeria 6-10 May 2013
Commission 1 had its annual meeting during the
FIG Working Week 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria, 6-10 May 2013.
1 report
Commission 1 Workshop, The Changing Role of the
Surveying Professional? Looking towards 2020
ANNOUNCEMENT: Former Commission 1 Chair Klaus
Rürup passed away March 2013
Klaus Rürup passed away
11 March 2013. He was born 2 April 1947 and was from 1994 to 1998
secretary of FIG Commission 1. Furthermore he was appointed Chair of
Commission 1 from 2001-2005. Klaus Rürup will be remembered as a very
active and inspiring person in Commission 1 as well as a faithful and
generous supporter of FIG Foundation.
Commission 1 at the FIG Working Week 2012 in Rome,
Italy, 6-10 May 2012

Brian J. Coutts |
Commission 1 had its annual meeting during the
FIG Working Week 2012 in Rome, Italy, 6-10 May 2012. The General
Assembly elected Mr.
Brian J. Coutts from New Zealand as the Chair Elect of
Commission 1 for 2013-2014.
FIG Commission 1 on LinkedIn
Commission 1, WG 1.5, together with Young Surveyors Network, wants to
explore the use of social media. Therefore a sub group of the FIG group
on LinkedIn has been created. Please join the FIG Commission 1 Group.
Commission 1 at the FIG Working Week, May 2011 Marrakech Morocco
Commission 1 at the FIG Congress 2010 in Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010

Leonie Newnham |
Commission 1 had its annual meeting during the
FIG Congress 2010 in Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010. The
General Assembly appointed Ms. Leonie Newnham from
Australia as the Chair of Commission 1 for 2011-2014.
FIG Working Week 2008 in Stockholm, Sweden, 14-19 June
Commission 1 Annual Meeting was held in Stockholm, Sweden
during the FIG Working Week 2008, 14-19 June 2008, web site of the
conference: Proceedings, technical sessions and papers are available
Commission 1 Annual Report for the General Assembly as a .pdf-file.
- Previous Young Surveyors Working Group Newsletters:
Under-represented Groups in Surveying
The latest
of the Under-represented Groups in Surveying - January 2008.
FIG Standards Network
The FIG Standards Network is continuing the
work of an FIG Task Force which was established in 1998 in response to
concerns from the Commissions, the Council and the General Assembly that
standards were becoming increasingly important in the work of surveyors,
and that the issue was not being addressed sufficiently by FIG.
The Network's terms of reference are as follows:
- Building and maintaining relations with the secretariats of
standardisation bodies;
- Proposing priorities on FIG's standardisation activities,
including advising the Council on priorities for spending;
- Setting up necessary Liaison relationships with standardisation
- Ensuring that lead contacts to Technical Committees etc are in
- Maintaining an information flow on standardisation to FIG members,
including through the FIG website and FIG Bulletin, and more
directly to relevant Commission Officers;
- Maintaining the
on Standardisation (last revised June 2006), and related material on the FIG website;
- Working with other NGOs, within the framework of the MOUs signed
by the Council; and
- Advising FIG's officers and members on standardisation activities
as necessary.
The Network sees itself as at the hub of FIG standardisation
activity, making the necessary linkages and providing the necessary
advice to commissions and others.