News in 2018

FIG publication - Best Practices 3D Cadastres
April 2018
We are happy to bring you the result of the publication from the
International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) joint commission 3 ‘Spatial
Information Management’ and commission 7 ‘Cadastre and Land Management’
Working Group on 3D Cadastres. The FIG publication '3D Cadastres Best
Practices' provides a clear and comprehensive overview of the newcomers
and experts in the 3D Cadastres community.
At the end of the two most recent 4-year terms, it was decided to
collect the best-known practices in a single FIG publication. Key
authors were invited to lead a chapter on one of the following topics:
- Chapter 1. Legal foundations (Dimitrios Kitsakis),
- Chapter 2. Initial Registration of 3D Parcels (Efi Dimopoulou),
- Chapter 3. 3D Cadastral Information Modelling (Peter van
- Chapter 4. 3D Spatial DBMS for 3D Cadastres (Karel
Janečka), and
- Chapter 5. Visualization and New Opportunities (Jacynthe
The mentioned lead authors have each teamed-up with a group of
authors to produce their chapters. A lot of inspiration was found in the
earlier 3D Cadastres activities of FIG, such as the various 3D Cadastres
workshops, the two 3D Cadastres questionnaires, and the presentations
and publications at the 3D Cadastres sessions at every FIG Conference.
The result may be there. An extensive FIG publication of about 250
pages written in the English language.
Based on this version, a short version is made of approximately 80
pages. This version will ultimately be made available as FIG publication
in both printed form (paper) and soft copy (pdf.)
The full version of the publication can be found
During the FIG Congress 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey is each chapter
going to be presented by one of the authors.
When the short version is finalized, it will be uploaded