News in 2018

FIG at Chintergeo 2018
7-9 November 2018, Chengdu, China
CHINTERGEO, representing China Surveying, Mapping and Geographic
Information Technology Equipment Exhibition, is one of the biggest
exhibition fairs in the Surveying and Mapping industry in the world.
This year’s CHINTERGEO was held on the 7-9 November 2018 at Western
China International Expo City (Chengdu), an international expo city in
China’s hinterland, organized by CHINTEGEO alliance, Equipment Committee
of CAGIS (China Association for Geographic Information Society) and
Beijing Boqian Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.
Covering an exhibition area of nearly 20,000 square meters, the
exhibition attracted 250+ exhibitors and 3000+ visitors, mostly
manufacturers, dealers and professional users from the industry of
surveying, mapping and geographic information, including 100+
international visitors from Asia, Europe and North America.
FIG Vice President Orhan Ercan represented FIG in the official
opening and throughout the three exhibition days.

Fig: Opening Ceremony of CHINTERGEO 2018
Mrs. Zengning WANG (Secretary General of CAGIS), Mr.
Chao MA (President of ChinterGEO Alliance, president of
South Survey Group), Dr. Orhan ERCAN (Vice President of
FIG) and more than 20 VIP guests from leading enterprises in the
industry attended the opening ceremony on the morning of the 7 November

The ChinterGEO Forum held on the morning of the 8 November was
one of the most important events in the ChinterGEO exhibition. The forum
was hosted by Hans Ni, vice president of CHINTERGEO
Alliance and president of Beijing iSpatial Co.,Ltd., Mr. Yanying
Xu (Executive Vice President of China Association for
Geographic Information Society) and Mr. Sheng Yang
(Director General of Sichuan Administration Bureau of Surveying and
Mapping) gave a warmly welcome address respectively. Six keynote
speakers (including president of South Survey Group China, vice
president of FIG, president of High-target, senior manager of TOPCON
Positioning, president of CHC and sales manager of NavVis) presented
market analysis, emerging technologies, business strategies, the
development trend of the industry as well as cross-cultural
collaboration. FIG Vice President Orcan Ercan focused
his speech on: Who is FIG? Why FIG? How is FIG structured? Where is FIG?
What is FIG? At the end of his speech he invited the delegates to the
FIG Working Week in Hanoi, Vietnam from 22-26 April 2019.

Fig: FIG Vice President Orhan Ercan making his keynote
More than 700 participated in the Forum.

Fig: Technical Session
On the afternoon of the 8 November four technical sessions were held
respectively, which include Sessions on UAV, 3D Laser Scanning, Smart
Town and University Practice.
FIG was also attending with a stand, manned by the host of FIG
Working Week 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam. Many came by to learn more about
FIG and FIG activities. The FIG Working Week 2019 was the focus at the
FIG Stand. Material about the exhibition was handed out and
also potential participants to the Working Week were interested to hear
more about the conference.

Fig: FIG booth.
From the left: Hans Ni, President of Beijing iSpatial Co.,Ltd., a member
of FIG; Orhan Ercan, Vice President of FIG; Hanh Nguyen Hong, Conference
organiser and Trinh Anh CO, Co-conference Director

Fig: Visiting Booth |

Fig: Visiting Booth |

Fig: Talking with Chinese leading manufacture of the industry
The Farewell dinner on the 8 NovEMBER was also very successful and
attractive, with wonderful performance and more than 600 exhibitors and
VIP visitors present. During the dinner, 100 dealers were rewarded the
Annual Honest Dealer Award.

Fig: Top 100 honest dealers prize in farewell dinner.
Orhan Ercan
November 2018