News in 2018

Celebration of 250 year anniversary of the Surveying Profession in
24 August 2018, Aalborg, Denmark
2018 marks the
250th anniversary of the Danish Surveying Profession. 250 years ago, in 1768, the
Danish King Christian VII recognised surveying as a profession
when the two first surveyors were appointed by the King. This
means that surveying is one of the oldest recognised professions
in Denmark. This is worth a celebration and the Association of
Danish Surveyors, DDL, together with Aalborg University that
educates surveyors in Denmark and the Danish Geodata Agency had
invited to a day of celebration at Aalborg University. FIG was
represented by the office, Louise Friis-Hansen and Claudia
Stormoen Pedersen.
300 surveyors gathered at Aalborg University for this celebration and
there were inspiring addresses by Minister of Energy, Utilities and
Climate, Mr Lars Chr. Lilleholt, Mayor of Aalbor Thomas Kastrup-Larsen,
Head of Aalborg University, Per Michael Johansen and CEO Pia Dahl
Højgaard, the Danish Geodata Agency. All competently facilitated by
President of the Association of Danish Surveyors, Torben Juulsager. DDL
is member of FIG as well as Aalborg University is Academic member and
the Geodata Agency is an affiliate member of FIG.
The first cadastral map in Denmark was developed in 1844, and the
surveying profession has had a significant impact on the development of
the Danish society. However few people recognise this as the work done
by the surveyors is often not so visible. Originally
surveyors were educated in Copenhagen, but in 1974 a big step was made
and the education was moved to Aalborg University. The surveying students
are quite visible in the city of Aalborg - especially with their yellow
and orange vests. Aalborg City seems also to be inspired by the
surveying education, and the city is in its city planning a vital example of
progressive, inspriational and innovative city development. This was
also pointed out later in the day when there was a walk around strategic
buildings and sites where surveyors have set their creative and
innovative marks.
Key note presentation by Stig Enemark, former FIG President
After the welcome addresses, Stig Enemark, Professor Emiritus at
Aalborg University and former President of DDL and also of FIG gave a
key note presentation on his thoughts on the development of the
profession in the past-present-future with an international perspective.
The profession has developed significantly over the years and today,
surveyors undertake many different tasks.

Stig Enemark talked among other things about the importance of
cooperation - nationally and internationally, awareness of the identity
of the surveying profession and Spatial digital management. The various
cadastral systems around the world provide different perspectives and
challenges. Important for both a national and international agenda are
the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Recent development, e.g. the
rapid urban growth, climate change impacts and digital possibilities
creates new challenges for surveyors and their work. In order to address
these changes and challenges there is a need to
change view from being Land Surveyors into being Land Professionals.
Torben Juulsager, President of DDL took up one the challenges that
Stig Enemark pointed out, and invited the other stakeholders in Denmark,
Aalborg University and Geodata Agency to work together on the UN
Sustainable Goals and especially goal 1.4 that is specifically directed
towards the work of surveyors.
Aalborg University is situated at the waterfront, and after the key
note presentation there was a walk around the buildings at the
waterfront, and one of the measuring boats invited to "open boat"
with an interesting tour and talk about their work, how they measure the
seabed and hydrography surveying in general.
An interesting exhibition "living labs" and exhibition was presented
showing different areas of surveying.
At the following dinner, Jean-Yves Pirlot,CLGE, sent his greetings to
the Danish surveyors, and there were also greetings from Norway by Leiv
Bjarte Mjøs and Arvo Leikenes, from Finland by Paavo Häikiö, and a
greeting from FIG by Louise Friis-Hansen.

CEO of Geodata Agency Pia Dahl Højgaard talked about the Geodata
Agency and also entertaining stories about her experiences as a
female surveyor. |

CLGE was represented by Jean-Yves Pirlot and Vladimir Krupa.
Paavo Häikö represented the Finnish surveyors, here with Louise
Friis-Hansen, FIG Office. |
Louise Friis-Hansen
3 September 2018