FIG Commission 2

Report for the 23rd General Assembly FIG Working Week in Prague, 22-26 May
1. Working Groups
The Working groups of Commission 2 have had the following activities since
Sun City: Work done for the Working Week in Praque Presentations in Prague:
WG 2.1 Management skills, professional competencies and CPD
policies, Chair: Chris Hoogsteden (New Zealand)
- No presentations in Prague
WG 2.2 Virtual academy -distance learning, Chair: Henrik Haggrén
- Henrik Haggrén and Esben Munk Sörensen: An Overview to Virtual Academy -
Methods and Techniques
- Bela Markus: Educational Metadata
WG 2.3 University curricula -content competencies, trends and
assessments, Chair: Jud Rouch (USA)
- Jud Rouch: Summary of Models of Surveying Curricula around the World
WG 2.4 Surveying students, Chair: Pedro Cavero (Spain)
- No presentations in Prague
Meetings in Prague:
We have prepared the following meetings, which will take place in Prague:
WG 2.2 organizes an open meeting on virtual academies. The main topic will be
the organization of the coming workshop on the topic. The workshop will take
place in Finland in 2001.
WG2.4 organizes an open meeting for surveying students. The purpose of the
meeting is to encourage students and young surveyors to take their role in FIG.
The possibilities to participate are the major topics.
2. Surveying Education Database
Some work has been done for the development of the FIG Surveying Education
Database. Finally the FIG office took the responsibility of the practical
efforts to get the SEDB to Internet use. The SEDB is now available on the FIG
home page The SEDB will be presented
at the General Assembly in Prague and the universities and institutions on the
database will receive their access code and password to update their information
during the spring.
3. Newsletters and other media
Two newsletters have been distributed after Sun City (September 1999 and
February 2000. Newsletters are also available on Commission 2 Web site as well
as other information about Commission 2. The web site of Commission 2 has been
updated in March 2000. Address to the web site is
4. Workshops in Argentina and Malta
Commission work was discussed during the ACCO meeting in Copenhagen by
Commission Chair Kirsi Virrantaus and Vice-Chair Pedro Cavero). After the
Working Week in Prague the next big effort is the realization of Commission 2
Workshop in Rosario, Argentina. This Workshop will take place 18-20 October
2000. The call for papers is delivered for the workshop. The main organizers
come from Argentina, but all papers go through Commission.
Commission 2 has also been preparing some presentations for the Seminar in
Malta, 18-21 September 2000.
5. Publications
Morgan, P., Hodgkinson, R. ,Enemark, S., Quality Assurance in Surveying
Education, FIG Commission 2 Working Group on Quality Assurance, FIG Publication
no19, September 1999.
Prof. Kirsi Virrantaus
Chair, FIG Commission 2, Professional Education E-mail
3 March 2000