FIG President Stig Enemark attends The Cambridge Conference, Cambridge, UK, July 2007
Cambridge, UK, 15-20 July 2007
 St. John´s College environment
 St. John´s College, Cambridge |
 Director General and Chief Executive Vanessa V. Lawrence and FIG President Stig Enemark |
President Stig Enemark attended the Cambridge Conference at St.
John College, Cambridge, UK, 15-20 July 2007 as a plenary session keynote speaker.
The tradition around the Cambridge Conferences is dating date back to 1928.
Since then an increasing number of chief executives from National Mapping Agencies around
the world have met at St. John College, Cambridge every four years to learn from each
other and to share ideas and insights. This year´s conference entitled “Expanding
horizons in a shrinking world” was attended by more than 200 participants from around 70 countries
throughout the world. The conference was organized by Ordnance Survey, UK and hosted by
Director General and Chief Executive Vanessa V. Lawrence.
The conference was organized with plenary sessions in the mornings supported
by a range of workshops in the afternoon. This provided a good mix keynote
presentations and discussions in the workshops. In addition, the social events and the unique
environment at the old college in Cambridge provided a highly interesting conference held
in a quite informal atmosphere.
Many interesting presentations were given by key people such as
Ezigbalike, UN Economic Commission for Africa; David Cowen, Chair of Committee on
Land Parcel databases: A National Vision, USA; Michael Jones, Chief Technology
Officer, Google Earth; David Spackman, Chief Executive MapAction;
Knut Flåthen,
Director General, Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority; Jeff Labonté, Director
General,Earth Science Sector, Natural Resources Canada; Peter Larakker, Director of
Strategy and Policy, Cadastre , land Registry and Mapping Agency, The Netherlands;
Maguire, Director of Products and International, ESRI. Full proceedings are available at
The range of workshop included issues such as: Land Administration in the
21st Century; Models for Geospatial Rights Management; Education; Mapping for Disaster
Management; Licensing; Reference Frameworks and Active networks; The Business of SDI´s;
International Boundaries; GI Knowledge Portal; A special workshop on
Capacity Development was conducted by Iain Greenway,
Chief Executive, Ordnance Survey
of Northern Ireland.
The full program is available at