FIG President Stig Enemark visits Havana, Cuba at V International Congress GEOMATICA 2007
Havana, Cuba, 12-17 February 2007
President Stig Enemark visited Havana, Cuba, 12-17
February 2007 as invited keynote speaker at the International Congress
GEOMATICA 2007. The congress was organized as as part of the XII Convention
on INFORMATICA 2007 that included a range of sub congresses and symposia
with more than 1000 participants. The convention was headed by Commander of
the Revolution Ramiro Valdés Menendéz, Minister of Information Sciences and
The Congress GEOMATICA 2007 was organized by Dr.
Tatiana Delgado
who is well known throughout the international world of geospatial sciences.
The congress included about 20 session with about 80 presentations, with a
special focus on geospatial data infrastructures. President Enemark gave a
welcome address at the opening session and a key note presentation on “Land
Management in Support of the Global Agenda” that included an overview of the
FIG organization current policies in a global perspective.
The keynote sessions also included presentations from
Jarmo Ratia, President of GSDI; Alexandro Maratos, Secretary
General of IHO; John Trinder, Vicepresident of ISPRS, Harold Moellering, ICA,
Keith Murray, Ordinance Survey, UK; Abbas Rajabifjard, Universiy
of Melbourne, Joep Crompvoets, University of Vagenen, and Tatiana
Delgado, Cuba.
President Enemark also chaired a session on Cadastral
Systems. This issue is very actual in Cuba that is currently building a
cadastral database for both the rural and urban areas. The cadastre will
mainly serve administrative purposes as there is no private ownership to
land in Cuba. However, this is good example of the need for cadastral
identification at the parcel level even if this is not used as a basis for
the legal security of land rights. Instead the cadastre serves the purposes
administering the governmental allocation of rights of land use as well as
registering the actual use of land and assessing the value of this use. It
was suggested that Cuba offers a presentation of this system preferable to
be included in the FIG cadastral template (see:
More information can be found at the Conference website
During the conference President Enemark also had the
opportunity to meet with the national surveying organization UNAICC and
discuss about relevant future co-operations.
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