FIG President Stig Enemark visits Israel, September 2007
Israel, 17-21 September 2007
 FIG President
Stig Enemark at the Survey of Israel with Director General
Heim Srebro (left) and Joseph Kraus
(right), President of the Israel Association of Licensed Surveyors
FIG President Stig Enemark visited the Israel Association of
Licensed Surveyors and the Survey of Israel in September 2007 to discuss and
agree on the arrangements around the FIG Working Week 2009 in Eilat at the
Red Sea. The program included meetings with the President of the Israel
Association Mr. Joseph Kraus and his council, as well an official
visit to the Survey of Israel hosted by Director General Haim Srebro,
and with participation of Deputy Director General Joseph Ferrai, Head
of Department Yoav Tal – who are engaged in the FIG WW 2009 organizing
committee. The visit also included presentations and discussions around the
well developed surveying program at the Technicon Institute of Technology.
A visit to Jerusalem included a meeting with the Minister of Construction
& Housing Mr. Zeev Boim, to explain the global role of the surveyors
and to confirm the support of the Minister for the forthcoming FIG event in
2009. A further visit to Eilat at the Red Sea was arranged to inspect the
conference site and its facilities.
The visit was very encouraging in terms of confirming the commitment of
our Israeli colleagues for hosting the FIG WW in May 2009. There is no doubt
that the location of the conference at the very borderline of the Red Sea
will provide an excellent venue. And there is no doubt that the Israeli
Association will provide a highly professional and very interesting
Visiting Israel gave the impression of a stable situation in a country
with a high level of economic and land development, and where tourism is
flourishing. Locating the conference at the Red Sea will also ensure that
all precautions are made to ensure a pleasant and safe environment. The FIG
WW 2009 will be a great experience.
 Dinner with members of the Council of the Israeli
Association of Chartered Surveyors
 Overview of Old Jerusalem with Temple Mosque in
the foreground
 View of the Red Sea from the conference facility in Eilat