FIG President Stig Enemark visits Quebec Conference 2007,
Quebec, Canada, October 2007
Quebec, Canada, 2 - 5 October 2007
 Overview of the Old Quebec City at the
Lawrence River
FIG President Stig Enemark attended the Quebec
2007 Conference, in Quebec Canada, 2-5 October 2007 as a key note speaker.
The conference was co-organised by the Canadian
Institute of Geomatics (CIG), the Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec
(OAGQ), Laval University (UL) and the Department of Natural Resources and
Wildlife (MRNF).
Daniel Roberge, Director of the Office of the Surveyor General of
Quebec, Pierre Tessier, President of OAGQ; and Annick Jaton from
Laval University, president of the Champlain Branch of CIG were the
co-president of this international conference.
The welcoming theme “Histoire de voir le monde,” of
the conference attracted around 1200 participants especially from the
French-speaking surveying and geomatics community here of 900 from the
Quebec province, 150 from the rest of the all Canadian provinces and 150
participants from about 40 other countries throughout the world. Focus was
on the Francophone countries with a strong attendance from the Africa. Most
presentations were in French with a few in English. Simultaneous translation
was provided at all sessions.
Plenary sessions included presentations from
Ouellet, Assistant Deputy Minister of MRNF; Stig Enemark, FIG
President; Remy Sietchiping, Land tenure specialist, UN-HABITAT; John McLaughlin, rector, University of New-Brunswick;
Michel Paradis,
general manager, GéoQuébec; Keith Bell, Senior land policy
specialist, World Bank:
Themes of the technical sessions ranged from Cadastre
and Land Rights around the World; Securing of Land Rights; Municipal
Land-Use Planning; GeoSpatial Information Management; Urban Development;
Education; Professional Organizations; Professional Challenges; 3D
Applications; Imagery and Remote sensing; Geo Cooperation; and International
The conference was very well organized with high level
plenary sessions and a range of interesting technical sessions and
workshops. A total of about 150 presentations were given. Papers and
presentation at the plenary sessions are available at
; The technical sessions are available at
; and a Photo Gallery can be found at:
A special feature during the conference was the
lunch-on sessions for celebration of three special events. The 100 year
anniversary of the Department of Geomatics, University of Laval, Quebec
province, the 125th anniversary of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics;
and the 125th anniversary of the Association of the Quebec Surveyors.
These sessions included presentations and award ceremonies, where especially
a presentation from the Canadian astronaut Mr. Steve McLean attracted
great attention.
The conference also included a general assembly of
the Federation des Geometres Francophones. and a range of training
workshops and technical tours were offered.
A special workshop of FIG Commission 7, Working Group
7.2 was organized by the Vice-Chair Soeren Faurholm Christensen and
Daniel Roberge on the theme Land Administration for Sustainable
Development. The workshop gathered about 50 participants from 21 countries.
Keynotes were presented by Remy Sietchiping, UN-Habitat; Keith
Bell, the World Bank; and Stig Enemark, FIG President. Photo
gallery is available at
FIG President
Stig Enemark with two of the Conference Organizers Pierre Tessier (President of Quebec Land Surveyors) and
Daniel Roberge (Director of the Quebec Cadastral Office)
holding his award for eminent contribution to the Quebec Surveying Community
 Stig Enemark with the delegation from the Ivory Coast
to become a Member of FIG. From left: Kokoh Adjoumany Emile,
Stig Enemark, Kotokou Kouakou Urbain, and Brahima Traore
 The spectacular La Frontenac Castle in Quebec is now
used as a hotel

Daniel Roberge, Stig Enemark, Keth Bell, and Soren Faurholm Christensen
at the welcome reception
Stig Enemark and Remy Sietchiping from the final plenary debate

On October 4th, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the space era (marked
by the launching of the first satellite Spoutnik 1), Dr Steve McLean,
Astronaut in chief, Canadian Space Agency was the guest speaker invited to
mark the 125th anniversary of the CIG. On the picture, Dr McLean with Mr Stig Enemark
and Mrs Annick Jaton, president of the Champlain
Branch of CIG and copresident of GeoConference Quebec 2007.