News in 2015

FIG President Potsiou meets with all 6 Russian FIG members
15-18 June 2015, Irkutsk, Russia

FIG has 6 active members from Russia. During her visit to Irkutsk
amazingly all the Russian members had arranged a meeting with FIG
President Chryssy and Prof Ioannidis. The members are : “Scientific aerogeodetical
enterprise “Meridian+” Ltd., Moscow State University of Geodesy and
Cartography (MIIGAiK), Rosreestr, SRO NP “Cadastral engineers”,
State University of Land Use Planning (SULUP) and Siberian State
University of Geosystems and Technologies (SSUGT)
IV All-Russian annual Congress of cadastral engineers
On the15-18 of June the IV All-Russian annual Congress of cadastral
engineers - the main event in Russian cadaster in 2015 - took place in
The Congress goals included among other: discussion about the cadastral
issues and possible ways for their solution, consideration of the state
policy in the field of real estate registration, cadastral activities
and self-regulation of the profession, the procedures and employers, and
also planning the further development of the profession of cadastral
The Congress was held in Irkutsk, the “gate” of Lake Baikal, which is a
specially protected natural resort and an UNESCO World Heritage Site.
One of the round-table sessions was dedicated on the “legal assistance
for the specially protected natural area taking into account state
cadastral registration”. The questions concerning changes in the
activity of a cadastral engineer due to the major challenges such as
“urbanization” and the “global climate change” were also addressed
during the meeting.
This Congress included one plenary session, 6 round-table sessions, 4
technical sessions and 4 working group meetings with more than 100
presentations in total. About 400 delegates from over 50 regions of
Russia participated in the Congress, and among them about 85 young
(under 35) surveyors.

At the plenary session

FIG President Potsiou together with president of SRO NP
“Cadastral engineers” V.S. Kislov

Meeting with the Russian Young Surveyors
At the plenary session, titled “Development and perfection of cadastral
engineers institution”, the participants discussed the changes in the
Russian legislation affecting cadaster. At the round-table sessions the
delegates also worked out the solutions for the current problems, shared
information about new technologies and also proposed some amendments to
the legal acts, which will be submitted for evaluation to the
legislative authorities.
The international delegation included presentations by the president of
the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) Dr. Chryssy A. Potsiou,
the vice-president of EGoS Nikos Zaharias and professor Charalambos
Ioannidis from the National Technical University, Athens.
The Russian delegation included presentations by the vice-president of
Rosreestr S.G.Miroshnichenko, the vice-president of FSBI “Federal
cadastral chamber” Litvintzev K.A., the Minister of the Property
Relations of Irkutsk region A.A.Protasov, the head of Irkutsk department
of Rosreestr Zherdev V.P. and other officials.
Visit to FSBI branch in Angarsk
The international guests visited FSBI branch “Irkutsk region’s FKP” in
Angarsk. They got acquainted with the procedure of the state cadastral
registration in Russia and heard several presentations made by employees
of Cadastral Chamber. FIG President, Prof Chryssy Potsiou, presented the
FIG motto: “Ensuring the Rapid Response to Change, Ensuring the Surveyor
of Tomorrow”; she also presented the “FIG Work Plan for 2014-2018”, and
she gave a speech on “Climate Change and Cadastre”. FIG President met
with the Russian Young Cadastral Surveyors and discussed their more
active participation in the international activities. Dr. Potsiou
emphasized the importance of the involvement of young specialists in the
activities of the FIG YSs Network and the detailed training courses and
gave information about the initiatives of the FIG Foundation.
Prof Ioannidis gave a presentation on a recent research in NTUA, in the
field of developing a 5d LIS tool to deal with urban land readjustment
of property rights. In turn, the vice-president of EGoS Nikos Zaharias
reported about the present and possible future of cadaster in Greece,
and in addition Denis Zhukov – the head of State real estate
registration department of GUP “National cadastral agency” of State
Committee on Property of Belarus – presented a review about a progress
of cadaster in the
Republic of Belarus. Participants also exchanged their views on
these and other urgent problems taking place in cadaster nowadays.
FIG President and the international delegation also visited two
companies in Irkutsk. The first one - East Siberian aerogeodetical
enterprise demonstrated the huge on-going project of gass-pipe in East
Siberia, using aerial photos, making orthophotos and laser scanning
processes. The enterprise has up-to-date equipment, for example UAVs.
The staff of the second – small private company
“Zemlemer” Ltd. – showed and explained their activities: preparation of
documents for state cadastral registration, land surveying and advisory
Meeting with all Russian FIG members
On the 17th of June there was the meeting of FIG president Dr. Chryssy
A. Potsiou with the representatives of all Russian FIG-members:
- Tikhonov V.V. –
“Scientific aerogeodetical enterprise “Meridian+” Ltd.
- Petrushina M.I. –
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)
- Miroshnichenko S.G. –
- Kislov V.S. – the
president of SRO NP “Cadastral engineers”
- Grachev I.A. – the
vice-rector of State University of Land Use Planning (SULUP)
- Seredovich V.A. – the
vice-rector of Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies
At this meeting FIG President reported about the Federation’s plans for
the next 4-year period, and also asked the Russian experts to
participate actively in the FIG activities.
Russian representatives briefly presented their companies and underlined
the directions that may be interested for a close collaboration with
FIG, for example, they demonstrated their strong interest in
contributing in creating a FIG professional journal.
The Congress program included some cultural events such as a tour of
Irkutsk and a voyage on the Angara River.
In the end of their visit our foreign guests had a boat trip on Lake
Baikal and took a look at Listvyanka village and a couple of interesting
Vladimir Tikhonov and Chryssy Potsiou
July 2015

Angara River |

Evening event at Angara River |

The Listvyanka village |

Model of Listvyanka village |

The beautiful Lake Baikal |