News in 2015

FIG Workshop on "The Role of Land Professionals and SDI in Disaster Risk
Reduction: In the Context of Post 2015 Nepal Earthquake
25-27 November 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal
The International FIG Workshop on "The Role of Land
Professionals and SDI in Disaster Risk Reduction: In the Context of Post
2015 Nepal Earthquake” on 25-27 November 2015 in Kathmandu,
Nepal is jointly organised by FIG Commission 2, Commission 7, ISPRS
Working Group IV/4 together with the Nepal Institution of Chartered
Surveyors (NICS) and the Nepal Remote Sensing and Photogrammetric
Society (NRSPS).

Main objective of the event is to exploit the international expertise
for enhancing professional capacity to contribute in the effort of DRR
in the situation like currently in Nepal.The event further aims to
explore opportunities for strengthening and promoting good practices in
professional geospatial education and advancing SDI concepts and
spatially enabled societies.
Prelimenary Program
25 November
26 November
27 November
08:00-09:00 |
Registration |
09:00-11:00 |
Opening Session |
Technical Session
(Parallel Sessions l, ll & lll) |
Thematic session
11:00-11:30 |
Tea/Coffee Break |
Tea/Coffee Break |
Tea/Coffee Break |
11:30-13:30 |
Key Note Session |
Technical Session
(Parallel Sessions l, ll & lll) |
Closing Session |
13:30-14:30 |
Lunch Break |
Lunch Break |
Lunch Break |
14:30-16:30 |
Special Session |
Technical Session
(Parallel Sessions l, ll & lll)
+ Thematic Session |
Social Tour |
16:30-17:00 |
Tea/Coffee Break |
Tea/Coffee Break |
Social Tour |
18:30-20:30 |
Welcome Reception |
Key note Speaker
Prof. em. Dr. Armin Gruen
Prof. Dr. Armin Gruen was since 1984 Professor and Head of the Chair
of Photogrammetry at the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry,
Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland. Since 1
August 2009 he is retired and is now with the Institute of Conservation
and Building Research, Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich. Currently
he is acting as a Principal Investigator on the Simulation Platform of
the SEC-FCL (Singapore ETH Centre - Future Cities Laboratory) in
He served as the President of ISPRS Commission V
(ISPRS...International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), as
ISPRS Council Member (Second Vice President) and Council Member of IUSM
(International Union of Surveys and Mapping) and as Chairman of the
ISPRS Financial Commission. He was Chairman of the ISPRS International
Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) and the ISPRS Ad-hoc Committee
on"Knowledge Transfer", International Member of the Fourth Academic
Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in
Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), Wuhan University,
China, Member of the First Academic Committee of the Key Laboratory of
Mapping from Space of the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping
(CASM), Beijing, China and Member of the Executive Board of the Digital
Earth Society, Member of the International Expert Committee for
Strategic Development of CEODE (Center for Earth Observation and Digital
Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Beijing.
His major international awards and honors include the Otto von Gruber
Gold Medal (ISPRS,1980), Talbert Abrams Award Grand Trophy (ASPRS, 1985
and 1995), with Honorable Mention 1989, Fairchild Award (ASPRS, 1994),
Miegunyah Distinguished Fellowship Award of the University of Melbourne,
1999, ISPRS U.V. Helava Award 2000, E.H. Thompson Award 2005, ISPRS
Brock Gold Medal Award 2008, Dr. Boon Indrabarya Gold Medal Award 2009,
Yuri Gagarin Medal 2014.
Title of paper: Image Based Modelling for Emergency
Prof. Dr. Arbind Man Tuladhar
Title: Land Issues and reconstruction planning in the
Earthquake Post Disaster
Mr. Rajan Aiyer, Managing Director -South Asia region, Trimble
Navigation Ltd
Mr. Rajan Aiyer is Managing Director/GM (SAARC Region) and BOD member
of half-a-dozen wholly owned subsidiaries of Trimble Navigation Ltd,
USA. Rajan is responsible for all aspects of these subsidiaries’
operations in SAARC Region (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh,
Afghanistan, and Maldives). Under his leadership, Trimble revenues in
India Region have more than quintupled in the last five years. Prior to
this Mr. Aiyer headed his own start-up company in Silicon Valley, CA for
5 years. He has held increasingly responsible positions in engineering,
marketing, sales and customer service in various Boston and Silicon
Valley, CA hi-tech companies.
He brings 23+ years of total industry experience in IT, Telecom, and
Data communication fields and has over a dozen key patents in key areas
of networking and communications. He has a passion for fitness and
enjoys a variety of hobbies including traveling, photography, dance, and
squash. He is active in American Chamber of Commerce Executive
Committee, IMA CEO Forum, is a founding member of Association of
Geospatial Industries (AGI) Governing Council, IIT Alumni Association,
HBS Alumni Association. Mr. Aiyer graduated with a B.Tech. from Indian
Institute of Technology, New Delhi and an M.S. Computer Science from
University of Texas, Austin. He has completed General Management Program
at Harvard Business School.
More information...
Please visit the conference website
31 August 2015