News in 2015

Joint Workshop FIG Commission 7 and 3
- Crowdsourcing of Land Information -
& Annual Meeting
16 and 20 November, ST Julians, Malta
The workshop will have two major themes representing the interests of
FIG Commissions 3 and 7:
Commission 3: "The Role of Citizens and Experts in Sensing
Geographical Information"
Commission 7: "Crowdsourcing of Land Information"
Workshop Objectives
Citizens, through crowdsourcing / Volunteered Geographic Information
(VGI), are increasingly volunteering their knowledge, personal time and
energy using the Internet and on-line tools to get work done, to obtain
input and to stimulate action. Current applications include counting
birds, checking water quality and creating new base mapping for
developing countries – OpenStreetMap is the best example. Crowdsourcing
has only recently been directly applied to the capture and management of
land rights within the land administration sector.
Is it feasible and can it help to rapidly shrink the security of
tenure chasm? This workshop will explore how we can engage citizens
through crowdsourcing within a new citizen collaborative model for land
administration that would be much more inclusive for the disadvantaged
and vulnerable, increase access to land markets and help support poverty
The workshop will also investigate new exploitation, development and
use methodologies of VGI derived information to various geographic and
social scientific disciplines that make use of mapping, GIS, SIM and SDI
systems and procedures. The aspiration is that these will give rise to
the examination and legalisation of the legitimacy of big geodata and
related processes and management procedures as a reliable spatial,
environmental and sustainable infrastructure on local, as well as on
global, scales.
Commission 3 WORKSHOP Theme
While the workshop focus is on effective utilization of VGI within
the framework of SDI and SIM, a larger number of topics of interest
related to SDI, SIM, VGI and crowdsourcing will be discussed. Topics
include but are not limited to:
- National Mapping Agencies (NMAs): practices with VGI and
managing of spatial information; theory, applications and best
practice studies
- Land management tools and innovative spatial information
solutions addressing global and national challenges
- Utilization of VGI and crowdsourcing with SDI and SIM on
collection, dissemination, analysis, maintenance, and visualization
- Applications of VGI in managing the built environment,
legalization monitoring, property registration, planning reforms
- Early warning systems, climate change, natural disasters and
environmental protection: adapting working paradigms; case studies
and possibilities
- Tackling VGI and PM credibility issues: interoperability,
uncertainty, quality, authenticity, validity
- PM and Citizens Science – case studies and processes
Commission 7 WORKSHOP Theme
Topics will include, but are not limited to:
- Mobile technology to support the recording of evidence of land
- Experience and case studies of working with citizens to
crowdsource evidence of land rights.
- Citizens’ reactions to perceived benefits of crowdsourced land
and natural resource rights.
- Use of LADM / STDM in this application.
- Approaches to authenticating crowdsourced evidence of land
- Experiences in using trusted intermediaries / para-surveyors to
support citizens in recording evidence of land rights and approaches
to scaling-up operations.
- Managing access and privacy around the sensitivity of land and
natural resource rights information.
- Experience in formalising crowdsourced land rights with Land
Registration and Cadastral Agencies.
GGlobal platforms to manage and provide access to the crowdsourced
evidence of land rights.

26 August 2015