News in 2015

FIG President visits the Regional Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh
2 - 6 October in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
President of AUS Dr. Sarkis Fadous, FIG President Prof. Dr.
Potsiou, FIG Honorary President Prof. Dr. Holger Magel, and President of
UMG Dr. Aziz Hilali participated in the Regional Conference: “Surveying &
Development” held in Sharm El-Sheikh, the “city of peace”, in Egypt, 2-6
October 2015.

FIG President Prof. Chryssy Potsiou at the opening session
The Conference was organized under the auspices of the Egyptian Prime
Minister, the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Prof. Dr.
El-Din Moghazi, the President of the National Water Research Center Prof.
Dr. Mohamed Abdel Motaleb, the Egyptian Survey Authority, and the
Egyptian Committee for Surveying and Mapping, and the Arab Union of
Surveyors. The Conference Coordinator was Prof. Dr. Dalal Alnaggar, Former
FIG Vice President.
This regional conference was an important opportunity for the Arab and
African surveyors to meet, exchange experience, and discuss common
issues in surveying and development in their countries. The event
covered the state of the art of technologies in the various fields of
Geomatics as well as an update of the progress of the major construction
and land management projects in Northern Africa and the Middle East
region. In addition, a number of high-profile international and regional
speakers were present as keynote speakers to share the current global
trends and international experience in Surveying. The number of
participants was in total 260, while the majority of them were from
Egypt, Arab and African Countries. The conference program included 7
plenary sessions, 9 technical sessions, and 2 workshops on STDM and
private sector participation, as well as social and cultural activities.
Former FIG VP and Conference Coordinator Prof. Dr.
Dalal Alnaggar at the AUS
Presidents, and delegates, of the Regional Professional Associations and
International Organizations active in the region, such as FIG, GLTN/UN
habitat, UMG, AUS, WWC, and AWC, gave keynote speeches about their
organizations and their action plans and about the development strategy
for the region. FAO celebrated its 70th Anniversary at this conference.
The 4-day event’s main topics of interest included a technical program
addressing the most recent theoretical, applied research and challenges
facing surveyors with a special focus on Mega projects in the region,
such as the impressive Sahara Irrigation mega project in Egypt to reduce
desert, and the fast and successful construction of the New Suez Canal;
48 reviewed technical papers were presented. Various topics addressed
among others, the following important inquiries: How to keep the
professional qualifications up to date and what is the role of the
modern technology in advancing our profession.

FIG Honorary President Prof.
Holger Magel, Former FIG VP Prof.
Dalal Alnaggar, FIG President Prof.
Chryssy Potsiou and Former Minister
Prof. Abu Zeid, who hosted FIG WW in 2005
in Cairo |

The venue |
During the event, an exhibition was successfully developed presenting
activities, publications, equipment and products of the surveying
regional and international companies and organizations.

FIG President Prof. Chryssy Potsiou
with the Governor of South Sinai at the opening of the exhibition
FIG President participated in the meeting of the Arab Union of
Surveyors. The president of AUS encouraged the participation of the Arab
Young Surveyors who attended the meeting, to get informed
by the president of FIG about the current FIG Work Plan and the goals of
FIG, the planned meetings and forthcoming events, the FIG Foundation
activity, the Young Surveyors Network activity, etc. FIG President has
discussed with the AUS members various professional aspects of interest
for the region and exchanged ideas on identifying ways to strengthen the
relationship between FIG and AUS.
Dalal Alnaggar and Chryssy Potsiou
October 2015